Aikido: The Art of Cooperation
The first thing to understand when one starts dealing with Aikido is the idea of cooperation.

Two students perform a technique alternating the roles of attacker and defender. The one works with the other so that point by point may study the technique. Without selfishness, help each other. Any notion of resistance, reaction, an enforcement role over the other, have no place in this process. The goal is to complete the technique based on the principles set by the founder Morihei Ueshiba. Everything else is not part of Aikido.

The two practitioners actually go into a process of elimination of "ego" in them. Gradually change the way we face, particularly in their minds, their fellow practitioners from the "aggressor", "opponent" to a partner*.

The aim through the training process is to understand both roles the concept of balance. Equilibrium without self-interest as it applies to nature. Equilibrium that is independent of who is anyone in the body type, sex, age, social or professional status.

Because of this educational approach into the dojo there is a pleasant atmosphere full of positive energy.


* The process of changing the perception that whoever is across us is not an opponent but a partner in the sense that it participates, willingly or not, to complete technique without any loss is very difficult. This is because in our everyday lives we are bombarded with opposites standards. The strong beating the weak, the head should the client, the strong personality dominate the weak, etc

Source: Aikido Center, Antonis Pantazopoulos 11/2011